TThe Japan-America Society of Alabama (JASA) is a 501(c)(3) organization established in 1989. JASA welcomes members from all business organizations and individuals that have an interest in expanding U.S. business ventures in Japan or wish to promote a congenial climate for Japanese business in Alabama. We have responded to the many changes that have taken place since we were founded in 1989 and have expanded our organization to embrace opportunities for educational and cultural programming in addition to supporting Japanese business. Our ongoing mission is to provide an avenue for both the American and Japanese people of Alabama to promote friendly personal and professional relationships - all to create a better understanding of each other's people and customs.
JASA is one of 39 regional members of the National Association of Japan-America Societies. NAJAS maintains links to a variety of Japan-related websites on business, public affairs, culture and education.
To seek to engender close and continuing cooperation between the governments of Japan and the United States in order to encourage greater culture and social understanding between the peoples of both nations based on the premise that JASA shall not concern itself or become involved in any way with the internal politics or policies of either nation