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Pecha Kucha, a specialized presentation style

22 Jul 2021 4:42 AM | Anonymous

Pecha Kucha, which means 'chit-chat' in Japanese is a presentation style where 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each, creating a presentation of 6 minutes and 40 seconds in total. This style was created by architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Tokyo’s Klein Dytham to have “More show. Less tell,” and streamline design presentations to below 7 minutes.

Now it is used by millions around the globe, becoming the world’s fastest-growing storytelling platform. Global innovators in school or business use the PechaKucha platform to create powerful, visually-compelling stories that move audiences. There are also separate events called 'PK Nights' where anyone's Pecha Kucha story can be shared. These events have an attendance of anywhere from from 50 to 5,000 people.

Visit the official website and the accompanying links to watch some presentations, learn about the history and execution of PK, and even create your own Pecha Kucha!!

Official Site

How to Make Great Presentations the Pecha Kucha Way

How to plan, present, & survive a Pecha Kucha style presentation

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