Join us live for a special recognition ceremony!
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Join us live as we recognize Alabama's 2019 New and Expanding Japanese Companies. This awards presentation has been part of JASA's Annual Dinner for many years. While we have sought to preserve the safety and health of our members by choosing not to have an in-person Annual Dinner program this year, we would like to recognize these companies with a special virtual showcase.
JASA will welcome two special guests with remarks during the presentation from Alabama Secretary of Commerce Greg Canfield and The Honorable Kazuyuki Takeuchi, Consul General of Japan in Atlanta.
Please view an agenda and list of companies below. The Alabama Department of Commerce's 2019 New and Expanding Industry Report is available here.
This program is brought to you in partnership with the Alabama Department of Commerce and Alabama Power Company. We thank them for their contributions to this event!
Program Agenda
10:30 – 10:35 AM: Opening Remarks
Shane Kearney, JASA, President of the Board of Directors
Jolie Thevenot, JASA, Executive Director
10:35 – 10:40 AM: Special Remarks from the Consulate General of Japan
- The Honorable Kazuyuki Takeuchi, Consul General of Japan in Atlanta
10:40 – 10:45 AM: Presentation by the Alabama Department of Commerce
- Greg Canfield, Alabama Secretary of Commerce
10:45 - 11:25 AM: Company Awards Presentations
CCI Manufacturing Corp
Cullman Casting Corp
Daikin America
Daikyo Nishikawa US
Hayashi Telempu North America
Kowa Pharmaceuticals America, Inc.
KTNA America
Mazda Toyota Manufacturing, USA
North American Lighting
Sanoh America, Inc
Topre America Corporation
Touchstone Precision, Inc. (I-PEX)
Toyota Boshoku (TB AKI)
Toyota Motor Manufacturing of Alabama
Toyota Tsusho America
Vuteq USA Inc.
Yorozu Automotive Alabama
Ytech Keylex Toyotetsu Alabama
11:25 – 11:30 AM: Closing Remarks
Shane Kearney, JASA, President of the Board of Directors
Thank you to our 2019 new and expanding companies for investing in Alabama's future.
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